Elder Services
- Nutritious lunches, social, recreational and educational activities, individual assistance and connections to services for seniors at the MAPS Cambridge Senior Center four days per week
- Case Management for elders through the Senior Center four days per week and through Immigrant Integration Case Workers in most MAPS offices five days per week
- Outreach, education and assistance around Assisted Living and other senior long-term care matters through the part-time Senior Community Advocacy Program in Greater Boston and Greater Lowell
Cambridge Senior Center: Monday through Thursday, 9 am – 4 pm
Cost: Free ($2 voluntary contributions accepted for lunches and services)
Program Contacts:
Julia Evora, Coordinator, Cambridge (617) 864-7600, jevora@maps-inc.org
Primary Funders: Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust; Americo J. Francisco Charity Fund & Elder’s Fund; Amigos da Terça; Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund; Cambridge Community Foundation; Charles H. Farnsworth Trust; East Cambridge Savings Bank; Government of Portugal; Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation; Regional Government of the Azores; Mystic Valley Elder Services; Saab Family Foundation and Saab Family Fund of Greater Lowell Community Foundation; Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services; Theodore Edson Parker Foundation