Please check the office where you received services: (required) CambridgeSomervilleBrightonDorchesterFraminghamEverettLowell Date: Gender: MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgender MTFTransgender FTMOther Country of Origin: City of Residence: State: How did you learn about MAPS? —Please choose an option—Social MediaInternetTVRadioNewspaperFriend/FamilyDoctorOther organization Please rate the services you received by selecting the appropriate option below Front Desk/ Reception: Professionalism —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Knowledge of Agency Services —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Knowledge of Program —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Awareness of Community Services —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Overall Satisfaction —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Service/Program: Staff Person: Professionalism —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Knowledge of Agency Services —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Knowledge of Program —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Awareness of Community Services —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor Overall Satisfaction —Please choose an option—ExcellentGreatGoodFairPoor What type of assistance were you seeking? Was your problem solved? —Please choose an option—YesNo Would you return to MAPS for other services? —Please choose an option—YesNo Do you have any comments or suggestions? Δ Share via Facebook Twitter Pinterest May 3, 2021 at 4:14 am Uncategorized emonteiro